Ann-Marie is kicking cancer’s ass

The story of my journey

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Ann-Marie Cary

Chemo #1 done ✅

Remember my comment about IVs in yesterday’s post? Ya well… apparently someone decided the IV procedure would be even worse this time! My outstanding nurse, Jenny, had to call in the experts. In came Joanne (I think) who quickly started examining where she could put this bugger in when she suddenly stopped and ordered Dan to sit down because he was hovering! That made my day! I have now been scheduled to get PICC line (a permanent IV in the upper arm where the veins are bigger) so that we don’t go through this again.

Once the IV was in Jenny injected 4 large syringes of one of the three drugs. This was also not very much fun because it’s very hard on the vein.. so we had a lot of stop and starts because my vein was burning up, but we got it all in. The other 2 were easy peezy in comparison.

So far I’m feeling normal. I am tired from the pre chemo meds but nothing otherwise. Tomorrow I continue with all my meds and I start injecting myself with an autoimmune booster. Fun times. But I’m used to giving myself injections because of my blood disorder so it won’t be so bad.

Now we wait… and hope I feel totally awesome just like right before chemo. I was very lucky to get a window seat! ?

Trusty nurse Dan took this pic and did an awesome job of taking care of me ❤️❤️❤️.

Hard truths…

Truth… Cancer has brought me here.

Where is here? Here is tomorrow starting chemo. Here is this moment, or the last few… here is holding back on what I am truly feeling. Here is filled with anxiety and fear. Here is where I have no control. Here is where I can’t cope with daily tasks because I’m trying to keep it together.

Truth… I am not scared of anything so this has to be some scary shit!

What am I scared of? I’m scared of the stupid IV they are going to stick in my arm.. I hate IVs!! I’m scared I will have a bad reaction the moment the cancer killing poison starts flowing thru my veins. I’m scared of losing my hair, especially my eyelashes. I’m scared I will be weak and fragile. I’m scared of the fact that the chemo will affect my ability to concentrate and focus. I’m scared the zillion meds they are giving me to reduce the sickness and nausea won’t work. Basically I’m scared of the reality that I don’t yet know. I’m scared of tomorrow…. and what I will become.

And let’s be honest, I’m scared of dying.

Right now all I can do is ride this ugly wave… so to distract myself I will think of the good times with all my family and good friends who I spent time with in the last few weeks ?❤️.


Nov 3 – 22 years

Yesterday I had an awesome day. I did things I love doing. My day started with a workout with my trainer Carla and I kicked ass! I am strong and healthy, which at this point is a huge relief for me. My arm swelling (due to the axillary lymph node procedure) is decreasing. I now have very little fluid under my mastectomy incision and this comforts me as I know I am healing well and maintaining my strength.

Later in the day I got to sing! I started taking lessons a few years ago, not because I have a good voice (I definitely do not!) but because I love to sing and it is such a great release.

My day ended with dinner at the Keg with a good friend who also battled breast cancer, joined by Tammy later. Let’s just say we shut down the place and left at 2am!!!

It was a great day! But it was also the day that Victoria (one of my twins) died 22 years ago. And this year was different for me. I’m not entirely sure how or if I can explain why, it was just different. I don’t normally mention the anniversary of her death. However yesterday I felt the need to vocalize the day, and so in Ann-Marie fashion, I did, in the middle of a conversation at dinner. I just had to acknowledge her and remember her.

As I write this now I am reminded of my post a while back when I initially spoke of the twins and wrote that I am coming out of the fog. Once again emotions and feelings are coming to the surface and I am reminded I am alive. I am reminded of the love that surrounds me. I am reminded that there is so much more time to live.

I am so incredibly grateful, to my family, to my friends, and to cancer…. I will battle it to the it’s death, and I will come out of it alive in every way, but I am grateful to it as it is giving me my life back…


Halloween ?

Thank goodness Halloween is almost over! The only problem is that now there are tons of candy and chips lying around!!!!

I am NOT a fan this annual event.

First of all Madison has had at least 5 costumes changes in the last week. I thought we had landed on Sleepy dwarf up until 4pm yesterday. Then she changed her mind and was going to be a china doll, and now I have no idea what she is… no clue! She’s out with her friends and I am completely clueless! But I know she is not a china doll!

Shane thankfully made a decision weeks ago and was a scary clown. We just had to modify his day to night because he wasn’t allowed to wear a mask at school:

I was tasked with candy ? distribution while Dan went out with Shane. (Madison is out there somewhere with her friends ?, I’m sure she will be home eventually!)

Thanks to Tara I was reminded I haven’t listened to the new P!nk album. Of course now it’s on repeat and supported me through my evening of running from the couch to the door to welcome the little monsters and princesses. At least I got some exercise as I gobbled down some candy with my wine LOL!

Tomorrow I am soooo excited to be going to chemo class (insert sarcastic look here). I’m sure I will learn something…. Dan is coming with me, much to his dismay!

And we are now at 7 days until chemo. I wouldn’t say I’m excited… perhaps a little nervous. Mostly of not knowing how I will cope. The first time for anything is always more stressful for me. And this will definitely be a first! Unfortunately it has started to affect my sleep, much like the surgery did… hopefully the wine I had tonight will help me sleep tonight ?.

I did meet with the surgeon yesterday and he looked at my incision. Thankfully he said there was very little fluid build up and all looked really good. So I didn’t do too much like I thought!!! What a huge relief because I really don’t want to do anything to delay chemo next week.

So… I would say all is just coasting along fine. I just need to get thru the next 7 days and stay healthy. Then we shall see.

One day at time.. 7 more days until the next milestone…

? ???

I did too much ?

Big surprise… I over did it. Pushed myself a little too hard even though I feel like a rockstar. My incision has a mind of its own though and now has fluid building underneath…

So, I’m stationary, AGAIN. Not doing anything… AT All. And I will remain this way (mostly) until chemo starts because I don’t want to get an infection. I will only do the exercises my little cancer kit tells me to do and walk… that’s it.

Keela and I are taking up permanent residence on my bed again. And Nurse Dan is on official duty.

It’s going to be a lonnnngggg 10 days before chemo… ?

Work family…

Some people go to work to do a job and leave. Others go to work and live their work life. I am one of those people. Not only am I passionate about what I do, I am also dedicated to my team, my coworkers, and the company. Dedicated doesn’t even represent how I truly feel. I care, deeply. I consider my peers my friends… sometimes that may make them uncomfortable but most are used to me now ?.

Tonight I was lucky enough that our team got together for dinner. They took time out of their schedules to come see me. I am so lucky… and incredibly grateful (because I know how busy they really are!!!). We had a great time chatting and playing with Snapchat filters LOL! Picture of the girls will come in a minute.

But first I wanted to stop to show this one:

This is a beautiful care package from my coworker/friends daughter Kaitlyn. She made it for me.. including sowing the beautiful bag. And she took the time to label all the items so I would know when to use what. I will bring this with me to every chemo session and keep it by my side. (Except the chocolate bar… I already ate it as I typed this ?!).

My heart is bursting I am so touched by this incredible gift ?. Thank you Kaitlyn ?

Now, I’m hoping I will be forgiven for posting this picture but I couldn’t resist! We were trying to all have blue hair like mine:

Tonight reminded me again of how happy and thankful I am to be surrounded and supported by so many amazing friends!


Prepping for chemo

Who knew cancer was such a production…. yesterday I saw the oncologist and about 10 other people!!! The pharmacists, the medication insurance lady, the nurse, etc, etc, etc.. look at the papers I came home with!

I am most confused by the fact that I may be constipated and have diarrhea ?….. I’m sure it’s either or, but still baffles me a bit..

I should probably be reading up on more of it, but right now I’m just going to ride the wave. This weekend we are busy seeing friends and the kids activities.

Next weekend we are considering a party to celebrate the last Saturday before chemo starts! I’m also busy trying to strengthen my body, so lots of sessions with Carla and I hope to start running a little on Friday.

And in my super duper anal retentive way I am of course trying to plan out the next 6 months of my limited self. Fall, winter, Christmas, Madison’s Birthday, etc, etc, etc.. Ugh it’s so exhausting to live in my brain.

My biggest concern is of course the day to day. For my first week of chemo I have arranged for meals with the help of my generous sister-in-law and brother-in-law. And although Dan loves to think he can handle everything on his own, he knows he cannot. So, I’m not going to be shy and I will put it out there that we will need help.

As a mother, I think one of my biggest worry is my kids eating well. I work hard to make sure this happens consistently normally.. So any help I could get with this will be so appreciated. I promise to pay it back when I kick cancer’s ass.


Look what you made me do!!!!

Ok cancer… look what you made me do! For real… look at my hair? It’s awesome!

I have to thank Elise and her crew at Touch of Elegance for the artistic creation.. she did an awesome job!

I’m sure a lot of you are thinking I have completely lost my mind! That’s ok! But don’t worry because I am all good.

I can thank cancer for giving me the courage to do something drastic and dye my hair blue and green, because why not? In three weeks from now it’s all falling out anyways! May as well have fun while I can!

And others are joining me! Once we are done I will post of a picture.

If anyone else feels like adding a splash of colour to their hair send a picture to me!

Do it! I promise it’s fun and you will be inspired by it!

The common cold

It’s that time of year again… the germs and viruses are just starting to have their fun. And apparently they have chosen me. Ugh.

A cold (or the beginning of one) with cancer seems so much worse than just your run of the mill cold. I’m sure it’s really not, however my brain is somehow turning it into something else. For intelligent human beings sometimes our brains can make us think such irrational thoughts..

So I have a little cold and I feel fairly pathetic to be complaining about it. But my skin hurts… and that is making my incision hurt.. and my muscles that were moved or cut during the surgery hurt. So basically I hurt… and Tylenol and Advil don’t seem to do diddly squat. So I’m back to “ugh”.

And ouch. ???

Lessons (grab a tissue you may cry)

In every experience in life there are lessons. I’m not entirely sure what my lessons are on this one yet, but I am definitely far more conscious, more sensitive, more in-tune with what I think is important.

What is important? Number 1 – My family, my friends. I’m suddenly much more in tune with that. I’m seeing, feeling, knowing people in a different way. That ‘way’ is much more connected. On my side anyways. Everything or everyone now has a value far more interwoven in my being. Maybe I am just actually starting to live. Maybe my lesson is all these feelings right now. Because maybe I was a little dead inside.

I have lived heartache that likely got me to this ‘dead inside’ state. You are probably thinking I’m exaggerating.. I wish I was…

23 years ago I was lost. I didn’t know what I what I wanted or what direction my life was meant to go in. I was innocently so in love with a boy; a boy I loved for years before and years after. And I got pregnant. Not just pregnant, but pregnant with twins. And I was alone… but suddenly I had meaning. I knew what my life was meant to be.

I was lucky to have people who supported me while I was alone thru this; my family, my good friend Russel’s mom Rosalie was my rock; Kevin, my best friend, took care of me, taking me to appointments and being there for me and being a rock; Keith, sensitively silent but so present and essential to my survival; and finally Julia, my best friend and my roommate who never left my side or abandoned me. These people held me together…

And then tragedy struck. My twins were Michelle and Victoria. They were born at 33.5 weeks (good for twins) on February 10th, 1995 at 8:10am and 8:13am. They were healthy, beautiful, and alive. Until day 8. At 8 days old Michelle got sick… I’ll never forget asking the most difficult question I have ever had to ask – is it fatal? And hearing the answer – yes.

I think maybe this was the beginning of me asking hard questions and not being afraid, whether in personal or work. Because I’ve heard the worst, nothing can beat it.

Michelle died at 13 days old of necrotizing enterocolitis. She suffered more than any person I have ever seen suffer.. and she was only 13 days old. This has weighed on my brain in a way that no one can understand: how is a child born to only know suffering? I’m not sure I will ever accept it.

The next day, Victoria who had been wonderfully healthy, became sick. I was getting ready for Michelle’s funeral when I got the call.. she had a high fever and had fallen into a coma… Suddenly I was thrown into another universe! How could this be? How could my second baby also be so sick. And she was sick. I was told she was brain dead within days. I had to make the decision to take her off life support. And we did. But where when Michelle passed away I had a room full of people supporting me, this time I sent everyone away. Because I knew I would not survive if she died. I knew I would be done, finished, dead. I could not watch two of my children die.

But she didn’t die. She lived. She lived only because I would have died if she died. She lived for me. She lived until she was 9 months old. And she wasn’t brain dead like they thought. She was a miracle, but she was still to ill to survive. And so on November 3, 1995 she died. Peacefully, with me, on our terms. But it still killed me. The difference was my body was still alive. But everything else in me died.

So, right now, what I am saying is that although this cancer is in my life, I think I am grateful. Because I am feeling, I am alive, and I have been forced to come out of my ‘fog’. I hear my son say words and they touch me, I am hypersensitive to Madison’s sensitivity, I feel Dans worry and fear, I feel the music playing in the background… I am no longer dead inside… I am alive for the first time in 22 years..

