Ann-Marie is kicking cancer’s ass

The story of my journey

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Ann-Marie Cary

Puppy love…

My beautiful Keela, my shadow, my napping partner… is sick ?. She started throwing up minutes after I took this picture yesterday.

Thankfully the tests are not showing anything in her GI tract so that rules out the need for surgery, phew! The vet is keeping her overnight to hydrate her and hopefully tomorrow she comes home. But I miss my napping partner ?.

I, myself, have been feeling completely normal, like I don’t have cancer. I’m still sporting my buzz cut; no hair loss yet but I’m sure it’s coming soon!

I’ve been spending my time working out with Carla and she has been kicking my ass!!! And boy does it hurt! Tonight I had the brilliant idea of doing one of her classes…. I think I will regret it.. No correction, I KNOW I will regret it!! ?. But it’s making me stronger for chemo which is my goal; strong body and strong mind!

I’ve also been preparing for chemo.. doing stuff around the house that I know I won’t be able to do next week, prepping for Xmas, and spending quality with the kids. Monday I get to spend most of my day at the hospital; first getting my PICC line, then blood work and finally seeing the oncologist before chemo on Tuesday.

I think many wonder or are concerned on how I’m doing. I can tell you with 150% certainty that I am doing amazing. Psychologically I feel better than ever; happier, at peace, and mentally strong. Physically I feel stronger than ever and I continue to push myself.

I think Dan and the kids are doing fairly well also. As long I can keep this up I am confident everyone around me will also be just fine.

Your love and support fuels my “ok-ness” and my determination. Know that I am grateful.. every day… for everyone.



Before cancer, before chemo, before surgery, I lived a very stressful life. I did everything… and took on new things, I did way too much… all the time. Which is probably why I ended up here. But now I am enlightened!

Cancer has forced me to allow Dan to help, and he’s doing a pretty great job. When I go back to work we have already decided that he will now cook dinner. Do you know how much relief this gives me?? It’s just dinner, but it’s a huge stress when I’m torn between needing to work but wanting my family to be taken care of.

I am also no longer going to do groceries on Saturday morning at 7am because I CAN ORDER THEM ONLINE!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Our Superstore has just introduced this new service and I LOVE them for it! I will also save money because we will only buy what we need and I can actually check the sales instead impulse buying! Can you tell I’m excited ?!

My life will be very different when this is all over. It already is… I’m at peace, I’m excited, I am inspired! I feel amazing and look forward to continuing on this new path I am on. It is so much better than where I was….

I hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday! ❤️❤️❤️

15 years!

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary. When we woke up this morning, it was going to be a day like any other. But then at breakfast Madison asked how we would be celebrating. My initial response was “well we aren’t” to which she replied “why not?” So after a minute of thought I wondered the same. She seemed to really want this to be special. Wanting to provide some light and glimmer I quickly came up with a plan which I pitched to Dan: we would have a formal sit down dinner in the fancy dining room wearing fancy clothes.

With the help of our generous neighbour Krystal, we presented the children with formal invitations for our anniversary dinner event.

We all dressed up in some fancy clothes and ate Dan’s delicious Dinner and my pathetic cake (I am not a baker!). And I got to have a little wine!

It was good, short but good! Of course it also happens to be parent teacher night!

For those who offered…

So many of you have reached out to offer food… we are so lucky to have you all!

In order to facilitate the organization of these offers, my good friend Suzy has graciously volunteered to organize it all.

You can reach out to Suzy via email at:

We are so grateful to be surrounded by such caring and generous people ❤️❤️❤️. I continue to be humbled by it all…

In awe of humanity…

Wow! I am so emotionally impacted by the surprise that appeared on my front door. Anita, a dear coworker from my previous Sun Media days, and her son Christopher, came representing many other former colleagues with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, card and wonderful gifts. I am so touched I cannot move past the tears that are welling…

As destructive as this disease is, I cannot express how truly grateful I am to experience these moments where I am in awe of humanity.. I am truly in awe ❤️.

Thank you Anita, Christopher, Mark, Marcella, Rula, Melanie, Jennifer and all of my former Sun Media family. I am at a loss for words…

Power and control!

I did it! Shaved off all my hair before cancer traumatized me with clumps of blue hair everywhere.

I wasn’t scared or nervous. I just accepted it.. and now I feel empowered!

I also had a great support with Tammy by my side and Elise taking control of the clippers! I am forever grateful to you both for letting this be ok and making it completely normal ❤️❤️❤️


When I was young, in my early 20’s, I had an irrational fear of death. Living through the loss of Michelle and Victoria lead me to accept death which eliminated the fear of it from my life. Years later when I was 30 and with Dan, I was once again faced with another complicated pregnancy. It ultimately uncovered my blood disorder but almost killed me in the process and did result in the death of our daughter Hope. At the beginning of that pregnancy I was terrified and felt a complete lack of control. The lack of control brought me to a dark place that was far more intense than my fear of death had been. However, life had plans and I was forced to accept that I had no control, over anything! It was the most difficult lesson that I still struggle to accept.

I think of death and I think of control (or lack of) as 2 big markers in my life that were significant to my development and that truly define who I am. Oddly, before either of the traumatic events of those pregnancies happened, I had sensed that something terrible was going to happen and my fear went into overdrive.

Similarly this has happened again with cancer. For the last year I think I knew I had cancer. And I feared it. Because I never thought I would get cancer! I would never be touched by this horrible disease. So I thought. I still can’t wrap my head around it…. and I’ve now lived one chemo treatment… which by the way is in no way fun!!! But the reality is that I do have cancer and I have to accept it and everything that is going to come with it. So I will go through each step and stage with as much acceptance and peace as I can. By accepting cancer and all it’s ugliness I will have the power to focus on destroying it.

With that, chemo #1 is done and I am feeling better. Tomorrow I will proactively rid myself of my blue locks and will hurdle another milestone.

One step at a time.. bye bye hair

Day 4 of chemo 1: Oh my boring!

Wow, this is long… very long and very boring. I can only stay awake for about 2 hour increments and when I am awake I can’t focus on anything but food… my stomach feels like it is expanding exponentially!!! So I just took a bath with the hopes it would shrink

I’m fairly certain it did not work!

Like yesterday I’m trying to fight this exhaustion with exercise. This morning Dan and I took Keela for a walk in the snow and blasting cold! The little 1.5k felt like 5 but we made it through. Later in the afternoon after another nap I walked on the treadmill again… but somehow I still feel like just large and tired. Pregnant actually… that’s how I feel, pregnant! But I’m definitely not that!

I am taking my anti nausea meds on a frequent basis but it’s all under control and I feel well in that sense. And now I just wait, wait for these days to end so that I can refocus on running and building my strength for chemo #2 on Nov 28th.

Enjoy your Friday evening!! Please… for me, do something exciting!

Fatigue, day 3 of chemo #1

I hope I won’t bore you too much with these monotonous updates on how I feel. My joking spirit is definitely on the downside at the moment so this may bit a dry, but I’m half British so that is too be expected ???. Ok I just cracked myself up!

Anyway, to sum it up, I feel shitty. I’ve been taking my “as needed” anti nausea pills frequently and I am definitely fatigued. A friend of mine sent me a link on cancer fatigue. It was good to hear what I myself believe helps the most, and that is exercise. So even though I feel throughly drained I just walked 20 min on the treadmill then did 10 minutes of arms and stretching. Doing the exercise made me feel better, but I’m still immensely fatigued.

Regardless though, I think I look not bad!

I’m also attaching the link in case anyone is interested in watching the video. It’s very well done!

Day 2 of chemo #1

So far today I’m doing good.. although this may have something to with the fact that I took an extra anti nausea pill by accident! (Oops!). I’ve got a call into the nurse but the pharmacist didn’t think it was an issue. Like I said, so far so good. I am very tired and took a nap this morning. I will be heading for another one as soon as finish this post and make the kids lunches for tomorrow.

Yesterday was not so good as I mentioned. I think the reason why was because the meds made me so tired in the morning and I couldn’t nap because I was at the hospital so long. By the time I was able to it was already too late and I was very nauseated.

Today I did nap in the morning. and I feel a millions times better. I also had the pleasure of giving myself the autoimmune injection under the supervision of the CCAC nurse. She gave me the seal of approval to go ahead and self administer the remaining injections. Of course before heading out to the clinic I had to stop for a little refuel at Starbucks!

I love the very berry hibiscus refresher! ?

I hope everyone is having a great day!

