Fatigue, day 3 of chemo #1

I hope I won’t bore you too much with these monotonous updates on how I feel. My joking spirit is definitely on the downside at the moment so this may bit a dry, but I’m half British so that is too be expected ???. Ok I just cracked myself up!

Anyway, to sum it up, I feel shitty. I’ve been taking my “as needed” anti nausea pills frequently and I am definitely fatigued. A friend of mine sent me a link on cancer fatigue. It was good to hear what I myself believe helps the most, and that is exercise. So even though I feel throughly drained I just walked 20 min on the treadmill then did 10 minutes of arms and stretching. Doing the exercise made me feel better, but I’m still immensely fatigued.

Regardless though, I think I look not bad!

I’m also attaching the link in case anyone is interested in watching the video. It’s very well done!

  • Here’s hoping the nausea and fatigue are short-lived. I’m sure it helps that you were already active and used to exercising…imagine trying to change your lifestyle just to combat the side-effects of chemo. And I’m glad the video was useful. I know there are a million resources out there to tell you what to do and how to do it (and some probably contradict each other), but this particular doctor has found a great way to share information that is factual, accessible and easy-to-follow.

  • Hi Ann-Marie,

    I look forward to your updates although I have to admit, one I read the other day brought tears to my eyes.

    One day at a time is all anyone can do no matter what our situation is. There are days when I wonder, What’s the point, but then I think about my grandsons and feel better.

    Stay strong, I know that’s the person that you are and I admire so much.