
There are so many things I take for granted.. basic daily tasks like – taking a shower! Who knew I would have to maneuver the bathtub in such a way that I could get myself clean while keeping my drains and bandages out of the water AND not hurting myself!!! Let me tell you – that was my exercise today.. taking a bath! And it was extremely good thinking on Dan’s part (and Tammy) to get me a beautiful bath gift set from Occitane. Otherwise the bath wouldn’t have been worth it and he would be sleeping next to one stinky girl!

Applying make-up is also a challenge when you can only lift your right arm to below mid way. I’ve become creative in my application of mascara methods and have yet to poke myself in the eye! Thankfully I had one of the two drains removed today and am closer to independence, however my dreams of the other drain being removed on Friday were dashed this evening.. maybe Saturday.

I had two lovely surprises delivered today. The first was a beautiful scarf from a dear friend.

The second was a delivery of gorgeous flowers from my Sienna family.

And who knew rehabilitation now comes with room service!! How awesome is that?!! (I had to mark up the card a bit to maintain the confidentiality of the room service team).

My kids are awesome!

  • Ann-Marie, thanks for writing your blogs. I really enjoy reading them and they actually help heal my fear and worries about what you are going through. Don’t stay up late writing these though!