Riding in Provincetown

Before I start on our Cape Cod adventures, let me update you on the boring medical stuff. Yesterday I mentioned I received calls from the hospital. So, next week will be jammed packed with appointments; Wednesday I have the biopsy of the lymph node, followed by my first appointment with the oncologist. Thursday I have the MRI. Once those 3 appointments are done I will hopefully have a better idea of the plan. So far I have been told that if the cancer is also in my lymph nodes I can expect to be in chemotherapy within a week of the receiving those results.

Now to today…. I started the day with some quietude and a walk on the beach at 7:30. After breakfast, we made our way into town and rented some bikes! We spent about 3 hours riding the trails and exploring the beaches. It was super windy by the water and really not beach weather but so worth it! Take a look at the great pics

Once we got back town, we had lunch and wandered the eclectic streets of Provincetown. Here we found CANDY!!! 50$ US spent on candy!!! OMG I’m in trouble ?.

And finally we wandered on the pier where Dan met up with this guy:

I really love Provincetown… it is unique and beautiful both in the look of the town and the friendly people. I look forward to coming back again when I am healthy and strong. Even though I have yet to start my treatments, I do see that perhaps the reason that I have been so exhausted lately was not because of work and home life, but maybe the inner fight my body has been battling. One day at a time… today I am ok…