The light!

I am finally feeling better, not 100% but definitely better. Dan and I took Keela back to Joker Hill and I was able to walk so much faster and further than I had on Saturday. Saturday I had to hold onto Dan to go up the hill; today I pranced up it!

Later this week I will return to my mission to keep my body strong in between the chemo treatments and will work out with Carla a few times. Hopefully I can also start to run again… although it makes me a bit nervous with my PICC line I am still determined to do it.

This round has shown me how brutal cancer can be, especially for a control freak like me. My patience was non existent and every one around me suffered for it. I was uncomfortable, nauseous and incapable of controlling my emotions… so if I got impatient my fuse was extremely short… I can only anticipate that the next round will be even worse and ask for forgiveness ahead of time ?.

For the moment, I’m going move forward and focus on what’s coming. Tomorrow I meet with the radiation oncologist to discuss what the plan will be after chemo and how I can preserve my skin for reconstruction later.

I look forward to more walks in the forest and feeling normal again ❤️

  • the most courageous girl in the world . I like the way you attacked the cancer . don`t give up.
    That would be the best tittle for a book. Just think how many women you could help.
    I think you are a borned writer.
    Please forgive me for all the spelling mistakes,