CIBC Run for the Cure

A few weeks ago, the thought of this day would have never entered my mind. Although I obviously knew about the CIBC Run for the Cure, I hadn’t considered running it, because why would I?

Unfortunately I now have a very good reason.. and as I stood listening to the speakers talk about their experiences with breast cancer, I was given some insight into what could be to come and comfort in hearing the emotions that mirror my own.

I was excited to see that we also reached our team goal of 2000$! Thank you to everyone who donated and a special thank you to Carla for organizing the AMCrew team!

Friends and family have been so critically important throughout this process. I’m not sure I would have even made the day without Tara’s faithful commitment to our early morning 5:45am runs. This week we will continue on until our last run on Thursday before my surgery on Friday.

I think one of the most impactful consequences of this journey is how it is affecting my family, my closest friends, their children and my children’s friends. My heart drops and swells simultaneously when I see the overwhelming support and the hint of innocent fear in their eyes. But is ok, because we will all be ok, I promise!

I look forward to running again next year, but as a survivor! #CIBCrunforthecure

  • You rock, Ann-Marie! Going through this unimaginable, but you are dealing with it in strides. You are so inspirational!